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Teaching Philosophy

Adaptability and Growth

We must adapt as a human species, we live in a rapidly changing world and we must prioritize teaching our students adaptability to change. Whether it is introducing a new technique, or challenging their prior knowledge, pushing the student to think critically, and learn through experiences in their life as well as in the class. Teaching should evolve to keep up with the students. 

Trust is a Two-Way Street

Without genuine connection, trust will not be given. If the students do not trust me, then they will not feel comfortable to explore every corner of their creativity. That is why I will build a classroom where every student is heard and seen. Love and logic is how I parent, and it is how I will address classroom management and relationship building with my students.

Embrace Mistakes

People make mistakes. That's just fact. I want students to explore their individuality through art that embraces the imperfections. I will guide students on technical savvy when manipulating materials, but at the end of our process, it is the students responsibility to take ownership of their work, including the mistake made along the way. Self-expression isn't black and white, and I want my students to feel safe doing the wrong thing my classroom, how else will they learn?

Pottery Class
Art Class
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